Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Notre Dames des Laves

Last Sunday my friend Amanda and I ventured to the east side of the island to check out a church in Piton Saint Rose called Notre Dame des Laves.  This church was in the middle of a lava flow in the '70's.  It's held in such high regard because the lava flowed around it and right up the door of the church, but the church itself wasn't touched by the lava at all.  It was seen as a divine intervention, renamed to Notre Dame des Laves in commemoration for the lava flow, and is now a major destination for tour groups.  The church itself was slightly underwhelming.   But it turned out the adventure to the other side of the island wasn't lost.

Altar of the Church


Lava Flow on the side of the Church

Looking at the door

The lava flow going right to the door

The entire Church


Side of the Church

Side of the Church

Stained Glass

Staircase cut into the lava to access the front door
We walked down a road after visiting the church, eating quiche and chatting when we came upon a giant lava field with a well worn car path.  We followed the tracks to one of the coolest places I have ever been, and I was able to capture some of what I feel are my best images of the ocean.  It is little places like this that make me sit back in awe over our planet.  The lava flow that didn't touch the church had made it all the way down to the ocean, and when it entered the cooler water, it hardened into cliffs of black rock.  The white waves around the black rocks were absolutely phenomenal.  Enjoy my favorite images from Réunion (so far).


  1. I love the lava story. Very cool Aly!

  2. I loved it too. It was really neat to see something like that.
