Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Grant Project: The Paint Part IIII

Rembrandt Lamp Black is another paint that I feel I had really great results with. I only selectively bleached three of the prints, which is a really great feeling! I only had one paper out of the eight that I feel didn't offer usable results. This paint and the Charvin Mars Black have been my two favorite so far.

I may have covered this previously, but if you noticed a different tonal color to the prints, it has to do with bleaching. A bleached print will be more cooler toned, while a non bleached print will have a very warm color to it. You'll notice that these two that I picked for this blog post are very warm toned. They were not bleached at all.

Fabriano Acquarello Cold Press

Fabriano Acquarello Hot Press 

Grant Project: The Paint part III

I'm a bit behind in posting on my paint experiments, but they have been in progress over the last couple of months.
This round of paint is Gamblin's Ivory Black. I really liked this paint, and had some pretty awesome results. I had four out of 8 prints work great, and two sort of work. All of the smoother papers seemed to like this paint.
I have completely removed bleach baths from my work flow. If I feel that a print may need a bit of bleach, I'll selectively brush it on and then use a soft spray nozzle on my spray bottle. It's been a good thing, because I really don't like using bleach!!

Fabriano Acquarello Cold Press 

Fabriano Acquarello Hot Press

Fabriano Artistico, hot press, selective bleaching
